
Genome Res:借助CRISPR技术构建首个人类完全单倍体细胞系

来源:本站 作者:admin 浏览:997 更新时间:2016-09-10
Genome Res:借助CRISPR技术构建首个人类完全单倍体细胞系

来自奥地利的一个科学家小组构建出了第一个完全的人类单倍体细胞系——每个细胞均只包含23条染色体的单个副本。为了生成这些细胞,研究人员借助了称作为CRISPR/Cas9的基因编辑技术。他们的研究结果发布在11月4日的《基因组研究》(Genome Research)杂志上。


任职于维也纳的一家生物技术公司Haplogen Genomics的Tilmann Burckstummer说:“尽管我们的手边拥有了这种近单倍体细胞系,但它包含的这一15号染色体大片段让我们感到非常困扰。这一片段达到了最小染色体的一半大小,因此是一个相当大的dna片段。”





原文标题:Megabase-scale deletion using CRISPR/Cas9 to generate a fully haploid human cell line

原文摘要:Near-haploid human cell lines are instrumental for genetic screens and genome engineering as gene inactivation is greatly facilitated by the absence of a second gene copy. However, no completely haploid human cell line has been described, hampering the genetic accessibility of a subset of genes. The near-haploid human cell line HAP1 contains a single copy of all chromosomes except for a heterozygous 30-megabase fragment of Chromosome 15. This large fragment encompasses 330 genes and is integrated on the long arm of Chromosome 19. Here, we employ a CRISPR/Cas9-based genome engineering strategy to excise this sizeable chromosomal fragment and to efficiently and reproducibly derive clones that retain their haploid state. Importantly, spectral karyotyping and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping revealed that engineered-HAPloid (eHAP) cells are fully haploid with no gross chromosomal aberrations induced by Cas9. Furthermore, whole-genome sequence and transcriptome analysis of the parental HAP1 and an eHAP cell line showed that transcriptional changes are limited to the excised Chromosome 15 fragment. Together, we demonstrate the feasibility of efficiently engineering megabase deletions with the CRISPR/Cas9 technology and report the first fully haploid human cell line.


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