
FASEB J:一个基因可帮助乳腺癌细胞扩散

来源:本站 作者:admin 浏览:824 更新时间:2016-09-10




乔治亚理工学院化学和生物分子工程学院助理教授Michelle Dawson指出:“这个基因与转移性癌细胞用来从一个位置转移至另一位置的机制,有着直接的关系。如果你有一个细胞高表达SNAIL基因,那么它可能是转移性的,没有任何环境线索通常可触发此响应。”

该研究是由美国国家科学基金会(NSF)资助支持,发表在12月9日的顶级生物学杂志《The FASEB Journal》。

此前,本研究第一作者Dawson和Daniel McGrail,发表了一项研究显示,卵巢癌细胞如何响应它们身体环境的结构。他们的数据表明,卵巢癌细胞在软组织(如位于肠道的脂肪组织)上更具侵袭性,由于这种环境的机械性能。这一发现,与其他“恶性肿瘤细胞似乎喜欢更硬组织”的发现相反。



Dawson实验室与佐治亚理工学院生物学院的John McDonald教授实验室合作,利用微阵列分析,来检测所观察到的生物物理变化有关的基因变化。研究人员发现,无论细胞生长的基质怎样,过度表达SNAIL的细胞看起来、以及表现得都很像侵袭性的癌细胞。




原文标题:SNAIL-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition produces concerted biophysical changes from altered cytoskeletal gene expression

原文摘要:Abstract: A growing body of evidence suggests that the developmental process of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is co-opted by cancer cells to metastasize to distant sites. This transition is associated with morphologic elongation and loss of cell-cell adhesions, though little is known about how it alters cell biophysical properties critical for migration. Here, we use multiple-particle tracking (MPT) microrheology and traction force cytometry to probe how genetic induction of EMT in epithelial MCF7 breast cancer cells changes their intracellular stiffness and extracellular force exertion, respectively, relative to an empty vector control. This analysis demonstrated that EMT alone was sufficient to produce dramatic cytoskeletal softening coupled with increases in cell-exerted traction forces. Microarray analysis revealed that these changes corresponded with down-regulation of genes associated with actin cross-linking and up-regulation of genes associated with actomyosin contraction. Finally, we show that this loss of structural integrity to expedite migration could inhibit mesenchymal cell proliferation in a secondary tumor as it accumulates solid stress. This work demonstrates that not only does EMT enable escape from the primary tumor through loss of cell adhesions but it also induces a concerted series of biophysical changes enabling enhanced migration of cancer cells after detachment from the primary tumor.

作者:阳光森林 点击: