

来源:本站 作者:admin 浏览:790 更新时间:2016-09-10


最近,来自美国斯克里普斯研究所(TSRI)、梅奥诊所和其他机构的一个研究小组,确定了一类新的药物,可在动物模型中显著减缓老化过程——缓解虚弱症状,改善心脏功能,延长健康寿命。科学家将这种新的药物称为“senolytics”。这一新的研究结果发表于三月九日出版的《Aging Cell》杂志。

TSRI教授Paul Robbins指出:“我们认为,这项研究是开发延长健康寿命或与年龄有关疾病和障碍的治疗方法(可安全地给予患者)的第一步。当我们所发现的senolytic进入临床使用时,结果可能是变革性的。”

这项新研究的资深作者、梅奥诊所的James Kirkland博士说:“研究证明,这些senolytic药物的原型,不仅仅只是减轻衰老相关的多个特征。它最终能够可行地延迟、防止、减轻或逆转多种慢性疾病和残疾,而不是一次只针对一种情况。”











原文链接:The Achilles’ Heel of Senescent Cells: From Transcriptome to Senolytic Drugs

The healthspan of mice is enhanced by killing senescent cells using a transgenic suicide gene. Achieving the same using small molecules would have a tremendous impact on quality of life and burden of age-related chronic diseases. Here, we describe the rationale for identification and validation of a new class of drugs termed senolytics, which selectively kill senescent cells. By transcript analysis, we discovered increased expression of pro-survival networks in senescent cells, consistent with their established resistance to apoptosis. Using siRNA to silence expression of key nodes of this network, including ephrins (EFNB1 or 3), PI3Kδ, p21, BCL-xL, or plasminogen activated inhibitor-2, killed senescent cells, but not proliferating or quiescent, differentiated cells. Drugs targeting these factors selectively killed senescent cells. Dasatinib eliminated senescent human fat cell progenitors, while quercetin was more effective against senescent human endothelial cells and mouse BM-MSCs. The combination of dasatinib and quercetin was effective in eliminating senescent MEFs. In vivo, this combination reduced senescent cell burden in chronologically aged, radiation-exposed, and progeroid Ercc1-/Δ mice. In old mice, cardiac function and carotid vascular reactivity were improved 5 days after a single dose. Following irradiation of one limb in mice, a single dose led to improved exercise capacity for at least 7 months following drug treatment. Periodic drug administration extended healthspan in Ercc1-/∆ mice, delaying age-related symptoms and pathology, osteoporosis and loss of intervertebral disc proteoglycans. These results demonstrate the feasibility of selectively ablating senescent cells and the efficacy of senolytics for alleviating symptoms of frailty and extending healthspan.

作者:Yi Zhu 点击: